Sunday, December 12, 2010






Saturday, December 4, 2010

ポドカスト の ビデオ

Not too horrible for reading through once and doing only 1 take! Loving Hanna's acting.

Monday, November 15, 2010

らんどむ ポスト RANDOMPOST.

おはいおお、ヨ~! ^(*.*)^ hoo~!

こんしゅうの しゅうまつに ちょっとべんきょうしました。
たくさん entourageお みました。おむしろい ショー です。
ななじかんぐらい よみました。addictedです。~ ハハ~(haha)!

ソ、(so), あじあの ハウスのおんがくわ いいです。日本に ゆうめいな dj があります。なまえわ DJ KAWASAKIです。にほんのハウス わ おもしろいおんがくですよ~!

So, きいてください。please don't hesitate to make love with the numerous へやの なかに たてもの while listening to sexy and equally soothing music. Great for どらいびんぐ(driving). Love かたがな。

PEACEとLOVEとUNITYですヨ。(!!!exclamation marksがありません。このあさわわるいてたいへんです。)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Brog No ShookDie


ぼくわ せんしゅう NOTHINGおしました。

にほんごの ブログの しゅくだいわ ハードーです。

And you guessed it, I don't think I want spend an hour typing up a decent post so I'm gonna turn to HardGay to save my day again. Check it out ヨ~!It's totally the 6 seconds I took to copy and paste the video here.

ぼくわ みました、 ハードーゲイの VOCABULARYに、にほんごの じうぎょの VOCABULARYが たいてい あります。I noticed that HardGay says words that we learned in class (that got me excited and gave me an excuse to watch the video while typing).

EX: たくさん いてますね

And I learned some words too. Like たべもの (food). Notice how for buildings we say たてもの。If you look at the Kanji it's 建物。The first character means "to build," while the second means "material/object/physical substance." So you can guess than when you hear たべもの(食べ物), it means food. たべ、to eat, plus もの(物)。

I'm sure quite a few of you know, and I'm sure a lot of people are learning new words from watching Japanese shows and whatnot, but I just felt like sharing something that I discovered and thought was interesting. THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE, HOOOOOO~~!

The ビヂオ actually made me think a little bit about the concept of taste. With so many people having obesity-related health problems and ending up in  びょういん、I thought about the possibility of somebody coming up with a drug or a way to consistently de-sensitize the tastebuds in the tongue.

My argument is that without knowing what foods taste like, we can make healthy choices. For example, the reason we want to choose cookie dough ice cream over celery is because although we are aware of the consequences to health, we can't resist the taste of おいし ice cream. But what if ice cream tasted exactly like celery? Then we would always choose the healthier foods. Not only will we reduce obesity rates to virtuallyゼロ, the entire humanity would be a lot healthier from たべing a variety of いい foods.

On the other hand, we would definitely miss out on all the pleasures that tasting can bring. What about being able to switch it on and off? That could help people lose weight and make healthy choices in general but also be able to enjoy occasional outings and such things.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Inspirational Figures

ヨ(yo~)!<--- My favorite カタカナcharacter.


きのうの トピクわ にほんじんのinspirationalひと(person)ですよ (yo~)!

だれですか? I think a good number of people know him actually. This is pretty ふるい stuffよ(yo~)!

But nevertheless, ぼく have to いって, he's responsible for shaping me into who ぼく am きのう。

He is:

Yes, ハドゲイ(Hard Gay)です!

Okay, for the record this guy isn't ゲィ. He's a wrestler that happens to wear S&M uniforms as a part of his persona, and is probably more ゆうめい for his hilarious projects on にほんの テレビprograms. Check it out, よ~!


I hope that changed the way you view yaFOOOOH! forever.

But on a more serious note, I think it's awesome that the Japanese can feature people with such open sexuality on national TV. One thing I noticed in one of the HG videos was that the kids loved him. That's like the most significant thing ever; the most predominant factor that shapes our ideas about sexuality is society and culture.

I learned a little bit about this in Prof. McKenna's クラス(if you haven't taken one of his classes yet, he's like one of the best teachers ever!). We grew up thinking that sexuality is black and white; but in reality it is not so. All men are, in varying degrees, slightly feminine, and same goes for all women. But as we grew up we learned to repress parts of ourselves and to make choices: black or white; male or female; gay or straight.

Maybe we have to recognize that the way nature works, such thing as gender is not as clear-cut as we thought.

I have a dream that one day men can walk around, regardless of biological sexual orientation, and thrust their hips loud and proud. Hmm.. I don't know what women do to express themselves though; I think I'll let them decide.


Monday, September 27, 2010




どようびとにちようびべんきょうしました。フトボルおませんでした。でも、ぼくわよしょかんのいきました。とょかんでへやでaccountingのしゅくだいとにほんごのテストのべんきょうしました。ごごさんじはんごろdikiboさんもとょかんのへやにきます。いっぱいべんきょうしました。パーチーにいきませんでした T.Tぼくわ望ビルウオのみました。


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

ぼくわまいあちごぜんしちじはんにおきます。(How do you say ~~then?) たいていあさごはんをたべます。じゅぎょうがあります。さうすだいにんはる(South Dining Hall)てばんごはんをたべます。じゅぎようがあります。宿所にかえります。ろくに(Rockne)てSwimmingをします。宿所てしゅくだいをします。ねます。せいかつわBoringです。

Sunday, September 5, 2010

はじめまして、孫です。のとるだむだいがくのかんこくりゅがくせいです。せんこうわびじねすです。Sort of Undecidedです。

Above is a performance by a にほんごのダンサ group I Love Footwork (I hope that was right. google translated "dancer" and it gave me katagana). This is at Japan Dance Delight, which is annual. The event isn't something I follow but a friend showed me this one clip a long time ago. Still, it's pretty fresh.

Here's the description for the video:

JDD vol.15 FINALでのネタ。

Fortunately I can read Traditional ちゅごくご (which is different from the Simplified ちゅごくごused in Mainland ちゅごく, which I have trouble with). So, I made an attempt to analyze some of the meaning in the description.

基礎 (Fundamentals)    の (from, of, etc)   大(Big)    切(Cut??)     さ(Sa...?no idea what this means)

It didn't work out very well.
Seeking the help of Google I learned that  大切さ means importance.

Then 基礎の大切さ = The importance of fundamentals.
音楽の大切さ = The importance of music.

I hadn't realized it at the time, but this video among others formed my ダンスのてつがく and even things regarding life. Many performances and exhibitions of art that the masses (including us) see is primarily in the finished form. That is, the final product of the artist. And that final product is often times amazing. But we often neglect the process that is behind the product. 

I have nothing against this dance gaining publicity. But I do have something against the media only exposing the end product to the public. You see, when you learn how to play basketball, you don't start off by learning how to dunk or do street basketball tricks and moves. You learn how to dribble and shoot, how to pass and work as a team. Same thing for this dance people call Breakdancing. You start off learning "toprock," grooving and dancing on the beat, standing up. Then you learn "footwork," grooving and dancing on the beat, down on the floor. And after you've learned how to dance, you can try to learn what you see on TV- backflips and windmills and whatnot.

Before anyone can call him/herself a painter, he/she has to learn how to sketch first. Throwing paints on the wall as an artwork comes later when one has understood the basics and want to follow an individual path.

And one of the things that I realized was, if you don't like doing the basics or you can't develop a love for it, then it probably wasn't meant for you. So, I'm going to see how much I enjoy creating financial statements or analyzing the stock market. But I do hope I don't have to switch majors or something like that and blow off the tuition.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Post Ever!

かんばんわ! I think that's correct?

Hello. My name is Eugene Sohn, a sophomore at Notre Dame. I live in Dillon. I'm originally from Seoul, Korea, but I've spent most of my life overseas in China and Taiwan. I love music and dance, and anything related to the two. I'm in the College of Business but my major is yet to be decided; hopefully a Philosophy minor because it's awesome.

Why learn Japanese? I got lots of reasons why.

0. I need a foreign language and Spanish seems a little too hard.

1. I love the food and I hope to someday try all the restaurants in Japan.

2. I love the fact that I'm Korean, and Japan is our neighbor, yet I don't know anything about Japan except what I know from watching the Last Samurai.

3. Usually Japanese manga is not my thing, but Vagabond (about Miyamoto Musashi, the strongest Japanese Samurai in history) and Hajime No Ippo were great reads, I learned a lot from them. Oh, forgot to mention Slamdunk which is also written by the author of Vagabond; great manga about basketball, I cried at the end.

3. DANCE. Japanese people are one of the most violently expressive and energetic dancers. And especially looking at the younger bboys (aka. breakdancers), anybody would wonder if they drink Red Bull 24/7 in place of water. Very creative too. I need to find out a little more about the Japanese society and how it produced this insane culture where people live in little boxes and manage the extreme generation differences.

All Area Crew, from Japan

Mortal Kombat from Japan in the 2006 Battle of the Year Show

4. The way the Japanese mixed Buddhism with their culture and came up with Zen seems interesting, not to mention how they added their own twist to Taoism and Confucianism influences. I want to know more about that. Ideally make Japanese friends and learn from them.