Monday, October 25, 2010

Brog No ShookDie


ぼくわ せんしゅう NOTHINGおしました。

にほんごの ブログの しゅくだいわ ハードーです。

And you guessed it, I don't think I want spend an hour typing up a decent post so I'm gonna turn to HardGay to save my day again. Check it out ヨ~!It's totally the 6 seconds I took to copy and paste the video here.

ぼくわ みました、 ハードーゲイの VOCABULARYに、にほんごの じうぎょの VOCABULARYが たいてい あります。I noticed that HardGay says words that we learned in class (that got me excited and gave me an excuse to watch the video while typing).

EX: たくさん いてますね

And I learned some words too. Like たべもの (food). Notice how for buildings we say たてもの。If you look at the Kanji it's 建物。The first character means "to build," while the second means "material/object/physical substance." So you can guess than when you hear たべもの(食べ物), it means food. たべ、to eat, plus もの(物)。

I'm sure quite a few of you know, and I'm sure a lot of people are learning new words from watching Japanese shows and whatnot, but I just felt like sharing something that I discovered and thought was interesting. THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE, HOOOOOO~~!

The ビヂオ actually made me think a little bit about the concept of taste. With so many people having obesity-related health problems and ending up in  びょういん、I thought about the possibility of somebody coming up with a drug or a way to consistently de-sensitize the tastebuds in the tongue.

My argument is that without knowing what foods taste like, we can make healthy choices. For example, the reason we want to choose cookie dough ice cream over celery is because although we are aware of the consequences to health, we can't resist the taste of おいし ice cream. But what if ice cream tasted exactly like celery? Then we would always choose the healthier foods. Not only will we reduce obesity rates to virtuallyゼロ, the entire humanity would be a lot healthier from たべing a variety of いい foods.

On the other hand, we would definitely miss out on all the pleasures that tasting can bring. What about being able to switch it on and off? That could help people lose weight and make healthy choices in general but also be able to enjoy occasional outings and such things.


1 comment:

  1. こんにちわ Eugene さん。
    I actually enjoy coming to your blog page just to see Hardgay! haha
    Your posts are actually well written with much thought and creativity.
    Oh and my response to your previous comment is under my blog.

    and I cannot believe you actually wrote "check it out ヨ~" HAHA interesting usage!
