Sunday, October 10, 2010

Inspirational Figures

ヨ(yo~)!<--- My favorite カタカナcharacter.


きのうの トピクわ にほんじんのinspirationalひと(person)ですよ (yo~)!

だれですか? I think a good number of people know him actually. This is pretty ふるい stuffよ(yo~)!

But nevertheless, ぼく have to いって, he's responsible for shaping me into who ぼく am きのう。

He is:

Yes, ハドゲイ(Hard Gay)です!

Okay, for the record this guy isn't ゲィ. He's a wrestler that happens to wear S&M uniforms as a part of his persona, and is probably more ゆうめい for his hilarious projects on にほんの テレビprograms. Check it out, よ~!


I hope that changed the way you view yaFOOOOH! forever.

But on a more serious note, I think it's awesome that the Japanese can feature people with such open sexuality on national TV. One thing I noticed in one of the HG videos was that the kids loved him. That's like the most significant thing ever; the most predominant factor that shapes our ideas about sexuality is society and culture.

I learned a little bit about this in Prof. McKenna's クラス(if you haven't taken one of his classes yet, he's like one of the best teachers ever!). We grew up thinking that sexuality is black and white; but in reality it is not so. All men are, in varying degrees, slightly feminine, and same goes for all women. But as we grew up we learned to repress parts of ourselves and to make choices: black or white; male or female; gay or straight.

Maybe we have to recognize that the way nature works, such thing as gender is not as clear-cut as we thought.

I have a dream that one day men can walk around, regardless of biological sexual orientation, and thrust their hips loud and proud. Hmm.. I don't know what women do to express themselves though; I think I'll let them decide.


1 comment:

  1. HARDGAY! My ともだち actually introduced me to him and I could not stop laughing. He's too funny!
    Oh I forgot to introduce myself!
    こんにちわ! わたしは ユジンイア (Eugenia Seo) です。
    わたしも かんこくじんです。コロンビア だいがくの いちねんせいです。I thought it was pretty amusing to see how our names are very very similar haha!
    and agreed... よ and ヨ are my favorite characters.
